At Shiloh Gospel Chapel we support one another, other local assemblies of believers, our surrounding
communities and missionaries in the field here and abroad. We support through prayer, financial giving
and outreach programs.
PRAYER is paramount in the lives of Christians. The Holy Scriptures instructs us to pray without ceasing
(I Thessalonians 5:16). Also, Hebrews 4:16 reminds us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. In Philippians 4:6 we are told to “be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.”
On Wednesday evenings we meet virtually via Zoom to pray. The men of the assembly pray audibly for believers and their families, missionaries and their families, and the community at large concerning their spiritual, practical, and emotional needs. Sisters meet on Thursdays to pray and have devotions.
At Shiloh Gospel Chapel we preach, teach and study the Word of God. On Sunday mornings at the Family Bible Hour, qualified men preach and teach God’s holy Word. Sunday school for follows.
Sunday Evening In The Word is a virtual series of topical studies of the Word. The series is designed to teach God’s Word to believers and unbelievers alike, on Sunday evenings specifically, as a way of closing the Lord’s day with Bible teaching and warm Christian fellowship.
Our mid-week Bible study is a more concise and precise way to study the Bible, to increase learning, retention and growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Lord has placed us here in White Plains and we want to reach the people in our surrounding
communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that precious souls will be saved.
Through tract distribution, our summer picnic in the park, and the fall festival, we reach out to our community with the gospel and fun family events. During the month of August, we have Vacation Bible School (VBS), which is a week of Bible-based teaching for children (and their families), along with games, sports, and other fun activities.
Shiloh Gospel Chapel is committed to prayer, financial support and communicating with men, women and families who are out on the mission field, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples and meeting the daily needs of the people they are called to serve.
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